
The 2nd meeting of the Regional Commissions of Economic and Scientific Experts for the Asia-Pacific region at the University of Technology and Education - the University of Danang

18/05/2023 152

On April 10, 2023, AUF and the Regional Commissions of Economic and Scientific Experts (CREES) held the 2nd session of CREES at CEF Center - University of Technology and Education. , University of Danang. Participating in the meeting were Mr. Laurent SERMET - AUF Director for Asia - Pacific; Mr. Fabien MEHEUST - Vice Director of AUF Asia - Pacific; Ms. Pham Thi Bich Lien - Project Manager of AUF Asia – Pacific; Mr. CHHIV Yiseang - Cambodia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, a member of CREES; Ms. Nguyen Thi Cuc Phuong - Vice Rector of Hanoi University, member of CREES and CS; Mr. Vo Trung Hung - Vice Rector of University of Technology and Education – The University of DaNang, member of CREES and CS; Mr. Eric DEHARO - Development Research Institute, Lao People's Democratic Republic; Mr. Kimchhin SOK - Director of AERD - The Agricultural University of Cambodia; Ms. Duangmala PHOMMAVONG - Vice President of National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lao People's Democratic Republic; Ms. Chandévy SISOWATH MEN - Vice President of URBA, Kingdom of Cambodia; Mr. Tran Van Cong - Dean of Faculty of French Reception - Hanoi University, Chairman of AFELSH. 


Overview of the working session

      CREES (Commissions Régionales d'Experts Économiques et Scientifiques - Regional Commissions of Economic and Scientific Experts) is a regional advisory agency. CREES works with AUF's Regional Directors with expanding the Scientific Council (CS – Conseil Scientifique) and the Economic and Social Council (CES – Commission d’Experts Économiques) under the AUF regulations. In which, CS participates in policy formulation and scientific assession of AUF programs, CES participates to diverse issues of connection with the socio-economic world, the work and entrepreneurship. CREES aims to synthesize and ensure the complementarity of these two tasks at the AUF administrative level in the world. 

This second meeting focused on discussing the following main topics: 

- Organizing structure and functions of CREES; 

- AUF's strategy for the Asia-Pacific region in the current context; 

- Preparation for the upcoming CONFRASIE (CONFRASIE - Conférence générale des recteurs d'universités membres de l'AUF en Asie-Pacifique, the conference of Plenary Rectors of AUF member universities in the Asia-Pacific region) .

 The Representatives of the meeting had lively discussions and proposed many solutions to effectively implement AUF's activities. The meeting long lasted from 08:30 to 17:30 on the same day and was a great success. 

Mr. Laurent SERMET, Director of AUF Asia - Pacific, thanked the leaders of the University and the team of experts for supporting and creating great conditions for the meeting to take place smoothly and successfully.


Delegates taking souvenir photos at CEF Center



Delegates attending the meeting taking souvenir photos on campus

