

05/07/2023 1748

With the mission of training high-quality human resources in technology engineers specifying in  Electronics and Telecommunications, Control Engineering and Automation and Electrical engineering field, the  FEEE was and continues to maintain the teaching and learning quality while embracing innovative changes to meet the needs of students and society.

With a tradition of over 60 years, the faculty has trained and supplied thousands of engineers, bachelors, and technical staff with excellent skills and good expertise to meet revolutionary tasks in the new era. The graduate students from the faculty have demonstrated their skills, and pieces of knowledge and also asserted their position in both domestic and international companies.




The scale of training: Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering currently has about 1,400 students studying in 3 majors:

          Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology.

          Electronics and Communications Engineering.

          Automatic and Control engineering Technology.


 Academic Staff:  The faculty's academic staff possessed a high-quality degree from developed countries like France, Germany, Australia, Korea, and Taiwan...Some of them are currently training in higher institutes in Europe. All academic faculty members are arranged to be in charge into three departments:

·         Department of Automation

·         Department of Electric Power Systems

·         Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Faculty Facilities: Recognizing the importance of facilities in a way that serves practical learning as well as scientific research, the facilities in FEEE always have received attention in investment, upgrade, and renewal every year. The modern, multimedia laboratory types of equipment from the leading industry like Simenens, Lab-Volt, Lucas-Nulle, Texas Instruments, etc.. contributed significantly to creating a conducive learning environment for both students and teachers.


Scientific research and community work: Our faculty has many scientific research projects at the national level, ministerial level, the University of Da Nang level, and the University level that have been accepted and transferred. Besides, scientific research and international cooperation have also achieved great success with a great number of international articles, including articles published in journals of the SCI, and ISI  system. Throughout the year, the  faculty offers a variety of science and technology and social activities for the student such as the Robot Creation contest, and Summer Volunteer.. thus, allowing students to develop essential practical, social, and academic skills.


Alumni Review:

"  The university's time can be seen as an important milestone in my personal growth. The great knowledge and skill gained from university is a solid foundation for me to continue growth and success in my next career. In addition, together with the teacher's enthusiasm and the university's facility stimulated the curiosity of subject and motivated me to be willing to learn,,

- Mr. Nguyen The Khang, Chief Representative of Nipon Corporation in Da Nang, an alumnus of Electronics and Telecommunications major.




Dean of Facculty:  Dr. Tran Hoang Vu    Phone: 0904.966.711    Email:

Vice Dean of Facculty: Dr. Pham Duy Duong   Phone: 0932.132.693    Email:

Vice Dean of Facculty: MSc. Pham Van Phat   Phone: 0914.250.339    Email:

Faculty Office:

Address: No. 48 Cao Thang, Thanh Binh Ward, Hai Chau District,  Danang City.

Phone: +84 (0)236 3 894 882      Email:        
