
Workshop V2WK: Towards the employment and entrepreneurship support network of Vietnamese universities

24/08/2020 6811

From June 30 to July 3, 2020, the Project Management Board of V2WORK organized an international seminar on sustainable development for V2WORK project at University of Technology and Education (UTE) - The University of Danang.  The purpose of the Workshop is to exchange solutions for sustainable development of V2WORK project activities after the project ends.

Participants in the seminar were representatives from Alicante Universities (Spain), Coimbra University (Portugal), Joanneum University Applied Sciences (Austria), University of Social Sciences and Humanities - City National University Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi University of Technology, Tra Vinh University, Thu Dau Mot University, Tay Nguyen University, Vinh Industrial University, Nha Trang University, The University of Danang , Education and Training, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), International Youth Organization (AEISEC). Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, international representatives attended the conference via an online system.


Assoc.Prof.Dr Phan Cao Tho - Rector of UTE, giving a welcome speech

The project "Enhancing the Vietnamese higher education system to enhance work and entrepreneurship skills for students after graduation" is English-named "Strengthening Vietnam's Higher Education System to improve graduates' ability to work and start-up skills ", called V2WORK for short, is coordinated by Alicante University (Spain), lasting for 3 years (2017 - 2020) and as foundation Erasmus + of European Union funding. The project has declared a lot of activities to improve the capacity of Vietnamese universities in the field of work support and startup for students; the project will end by the end of 2020.

Delegates attending the Workshop


The delegates discussed at the Workshop

During the Workshop, participants discussed solutions to continue the work of the V2WORK project after this project ends. The delegates agreed to build the Employment Support Network of Vietnamese universities (VEES-Net) and the English name is Vietnam Entreprereuship Employment Support Network. Representatives of the founding schools of the network have basically agreed on the Network's name, mission, vision, purpose, activities, organizational structure, operating principles ... Universities will continue to complete the documents to submit to the leaders of the founding member universities (universities participating in the project) for approval. The Network Launching Ceremony is scheduled to take place in Hanoi at the end of October 2020. 



The delegates took souvenir photos

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