
Exchange Program with Anan National College of Technology (ANCT) - Japan

21/09/2018 5130

In cooperation between ANCT and UD-CT, from 2011, we offer an exchange program funded by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). The program is to help students from both Japan and Vietnam to gain specialized knowledge and to exchange culture.

Every year, 1 - 4 scholarships will be awarded to UD-CT’s students who major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechatronics, Computer Science and Chemical Technology and are qualified for the programme. Participants will receive a monthly stipend of 80,000 JPY during their stay in Japan. They will take three tours around Japan to learn more about the land of the rising sun, its culture and its people. From 2015, the scholarship will give Vietnamese students 6 months to learn, to live and to experience in Japan.

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In exchange, ANCT’s students will have the opportunity to experience Vietnamese learning and working life in four months. Along with being trained with specialized knowledge, customized English and Vietnamese courses, Japanese students will also take part in culture exploring trips to learn about Vietnamese magnanimous history, its wide variety of traditional arts, its Buddhistic beauty, and its unique culture.

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We are currently working on building a Project Week programme in which students from ANCT will spend one week in Vietnam doing small scientific projects together with UD-CT’s students. They will also have a chance to visit local attractions. This programme is expected to be a good way with the shortest amount of time for Japanese students to learn about Vietnam.

We also have a lecturer exchange programme where faculty from both institutions give lectures and/ or present their researches at each other’s facilities. This programme is conducted in English only. 
