
University of Technology and Education (UTE) held the Opening Ceremony of Japanese class sponsored by Full Time System Company

08/09/2020 2425

Japan is now a leading strategic economic partner of Vietnam, for that reason, many students, who choose Japanese as the second foreign language after English to catch up with the trend, open up for themselves. better working opportunities. The aim of improving students' foreign language ability in pre-warning and deepening international integration of Vietnam as well as creating working opportunities for students after graduation, especially participating in the market. labor schools in Japan; On June 12, 2020, the University of Da Nang and University of Technology and Education in collaboration with Full Time System Company (Japan) held the opening ceremony of free Japanese language classes for students.

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Scene of the Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Hoang Hai - Head of International Cooperation Department of The University of Danang; Assoc. Prof. Phan Cao Tho,PhD -The Rector of University of Technology and Education; Assoc. Prof. Phan Qui Tra, PhD - Head of Research Management and International Cooperation Office; Dr. Nguyen Linh Nam - Head of Academic Affairs Office, with related teachers and 32 students of the class. On behalf of the University , Assoc. Prof. Phan Cao Tho, PhD opened the class, which emphasized the University's interest in enhancing the efficiency of business cooperation, especially Japanese enterprises; At the same time, UTE always creates the best support conditions in all aspects for students in the learning and training process at the University. Assoc. Prof. Phan Cao Tho,PhD would like to express his deep thanks to the leaders of Full Time System Company for sponsoring the class and the board of direcor of the University of Da Nang for always caring and creating conditions for the UTE's students to participate in the Japanese class.

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Assoc. Prof. Phan Cao Tho, Rector of the school gave the opening speech to start the class

On behalf of the board of director of the University of Danang, Dr. Hoang Hai appreciated the UTE's efforts in organizing classes. Dr. Hoang Hai also introduced about Full Time System Company, sharing his own experiences of learning Japanese class. Especially, Dr. Hoang Hai also added that Full Time System Company will select good Japanese students to do internships at the company in the nearly future

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 Dr. Hoang Hai - Head of International Cooperation Department of The University of Danang, speaking at the Opening Ceremony

On behalf of the Academic Affairs Office, Dr. Nguyen Linh Nam announced the curriculum as well as some regulations of the class. Accordingly, the study program will last for 2 years; Students are exempt from tuition fees during the course, participating in learning activities and extracurricular activities in Japanese organized by the UTE; Students completing the Japanese N3 standard course will be introduced to Japanese enterprises to employ.
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Dr. Nguyen Linh Nam - Head of Academic Affairs Office tinformed about the curriculum and the regulations of the class

This Japanese class will not only help students improve their foreign language skills, but also help students learn more about the culture and working style in Japanese enterprises as well as the opportunity to access the labor market, move to Japan to find jobs with the right expertise, good working environment with high income after graduation.

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Leaders, teachers and students took souvenir photos

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